Thursday, September 26, 2013

Kitty's Thoughts About the Photographers of 9/11 

Kitty wrote on her blog her thoughts about the photographers of 9/11. She said that this is the event that showed a whole different side to these people, and I wholeheartedly agree with her. Without these photos to remember this horrid event I don't think that this event would have been remembered in the future without these exquisite works of art to help people remember.
      To think that these photographers risked their lives to capture such an important piece of history shows a lot about journalists. It shows that they are willing to face death to get the truth and to report it. It also says that these reporters are loyal to their audience. They wanted to capture these moments so that people can remember this tragety.  Even though these photojournalists didn't physically save lives that day they will always be seen as heroes for their bravery to capture the truth.
9/11 photo by Thomas E. Franklin

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