Thursday, November 14, 2013

Media Critique


  Media Critique 

     This article is about how the people of the Philippines think that their president isn't doing everything in his power to help the people after the deviating typhoon that struck the country on November 8, 2013. One of the seven yardsticks that this article does not follow is fairness.
     It tells about how the people of the Philippines got aid that they really needed but it wasn't enough to help everyone. What it's forgetting to include is that the storm only happened less than a week ago and all of the streets are still full of the aftermaths of the typhoon meaning that the aid trucks can't get through. 
     This article is says that the roads are closed but it doesn't go into detail. And it's blaming the president as if it's all his fault. Instead of focusing on what the president is doing to help the author is focusing on what he isn't doing to help his people. Fairness is getting all sides of the story not just one side and this article didn't do this. It just focused on the negative.

Photo by


Say NO to Bullying

     One of questions on a current events quiz asked about a 12 year old girl that got bullied. She was getting harassed by people at school and one day she had enough and decided to end her life. Two of the girls that were involved have been charged for bullying her on the internet.
     Even though bullying has changed forms it is still a very big issue today. A few decades ago people got bullied at school but know that there is internet and texting many kids are getting cyber bullied which is turning into a huge problem. But the problem is that people aren't standing up when they see a person getting bullies. They bare too scared that they will be next. I think that people need to be taught to stand up for themselves and other when there is bullying going on. They need to learn that being afraid and taking action can go hand in hand. If they learn this then they will learn to stand up for what they believe in. This won't stop the problem but it will be a huge step towards fixing it.

Photo by Dimarko Chandler 

National Park Shutdowns

Parks Closed!

     A few weeks ago we discussed the effects the the Government Shutdown has had on the US and one of the biggest ones was that all of the national parks were closed for 16 days. This really took a toll on some of the small states. Some stated, like Wyoming, make their state money from tourists that come to visit the parks. During the shutdown some states saw their economy declining because they were losing money because the parks were closed so their weren't any tourists.
     Also all of people that worked in the parks got laid off for a couple weeks. It's. It an easy task to keep a park going so there were a lot of people not getting paid. The people that had plans to come visit these parks were also in for a surprise. All of the people that had reservations and tours booked didn't get to go and all of there money was wasted.
     I get that the parks were closed because they are federal property but I think the government should have found a way to keep it open because many people got screwed over because of this shutdown.



     A couple weeks ago we had a question on our current events quiz about Obamacare. This is the new healthcare program that President Obama has put in place. Now this is the reason that Congress shutdown the government for 16 days.
     Congress argued that this was a bad plan and it will not work. I think that they should have the right to express opinions this Affordable Care Act but they should punish everyone because of it. Due to the shutdown many people couldn't go to work or get paid so they had a hard time. But the messed up thing is that the people in Congress still got paid. That's right the people who caused people to lose money were still getting a paycheck. 
     Now that the government is reopened Congress have put of this problem until February which I think is a horrible idea. They are just putting of the inevitable. 

News shows


     For the second six weeks my journalism teacher made us watch the local news and write a critique on it. My station wasWLKY and their show needed a lot of improvement. 
     Out of a 30 minute news show only half of that time was actually used to cover news. About 10 minutes of the show was used on the weather and the other 5 to 8 minutes was sports and commercials. They should have spent less time on things that aren't very important and more time on news stories that actually matter. 
     Another thing that WLKY needs to work on is the contents of their story. In the month of October alone 52% of their news stories were crime. I agree that crime needs to be covered but they were reporting on stories that had no effect on Louisville or they kept on covering the same crime for days. For example they covered a trial in Indiana for about two weeks and after it was over they still found a way make a lead story out of it. They try to make the interesting important and not the other way around.


Radio After WWII 

     Radio is a very important part of technology in the new era. It's was the first wireless form of communication. When radio first started out it was very popular and it mostly focused on news. When TV came along it caused radio to demassify because all of the performers left radio to go to TV. 
     When radio demassified it turned its attention to music. Now instead of having shows that everyone could watch they played music for a niche group of people. The genre that really helped this noes form of radio to take off was Rock n Roll. This was the era that rock n roll was invented and people would always listen to their songs on the radio. 
      I think that radio demassifying was a really smart choice. If they didn't then we probably would not have radios to this day. Even though radio isn't as popular as TV and the internet it is still pretty successful.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Huge Impacts ofTelevision 

     There are three major impacts of television that we have talked about in class. The first one is that it has kept us from going to social events. Since television many people don't go to social interactions as much as they used to. Now we would rather stay inside and watch TV then go outside and play or go to church.
     Another huge impact of television is it has influenced out spending habits. Now if we see something get advertised on TV then it always stays in our brains and that what we want to buy even if it's without our knowledge. 
      The last reason has to do with politics. Now if a candidate wants to have any chance of winning he has to flood the nation with TV advertisements which wipes any chance of middle or lower class people to win. TV ads cost millions of dollars which only means that to get them you writhe have to be rich or have rich friends. So next time you watch TV think of how all of those advertisements are affecting your life. 


Robot takeover is almost here!

     It is not an over exaggeration to say that the internet affects our lives everyday. All of the things we do 99.9% of the time involves the internet. The new generation soon won't even know what textbooks are. They will think of them as a far away place just like the current generation thinks of the library.
      The internets impact isn't all good. It has affected all medias that came before it. It caused music to move to the internet so now if you want to buy a song you can download it for 99 cents instead of buying a whole album just to listen to one song. 
     It caused many of the small newspapers because now instead of subscribing to a physical newspaper and paying money people could just go online and get the same news for free. So due to this companies either moved online or went out of business.
     The internet also caused the underground to go extinct. Now that you can find everything on the internet nothing was a secret anymore so their was no more underground. Same goes for mainstream meaning that people had so many choices due to the internet that now nobody had to follow one trend that is popular.
     I believe that sometime in the near future we will all rely on the internet too much and forget how to live without it. WE WILL SOON BECOME LIVING ROBOTS!
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Going to the Movies

Why Movies Are Still Around

     Many people still go to the theatre to this day but they never ask why movies are still around to this day when they can watch movies at home on their TVs for free. Well one of the reasons is for the overwhelming experience that you can only get at the theatre. The fact that you can sit in a dark room with a huge screen in front of you and have no distractions. Try getting that kind of quality at home.
     Another reason that the theatre is still a part of people's lives is because of the cultural experience. People want to see a movie as soon as it comes out instead of waiting for months for it to come out on DVD or to premiere on TV. People want to have the satisfaction of saying that they were the first to see it when it came out.
     The last reason is because of the social experience. People go to the movies all the time to hang out. Whether it's to see friends or go on a date it has always been a part of human social life. They don't want to see a movie at home by themselves instead they want to socialize with their friends.