Thursday, November 14, 2013


Say NO to Bullying

     One of questions on a current events quiz asked about a 12 year old girl that got bullied. She was getting harassed by people at school and one day she had enough and decided to end her life. Two of the girls that were involved have been charged for bullying her on the internet.
     Even though bullying has changed forms it is still a very big issue today. A few decades ago people got bullied at school but know that there is internet and texting many kids are getting cyber bullied which is turning into a huge problem. But the problem is that people aren't standing up when they see a person getting bullies. They bare too scared that they will be next. I think that people need to be taught to stand up for themselves and other when there is bullying going on. They need to learn that being afraid and taking action can go hand in hand. If they learn this then they will learn to stand up for what they believe in. This won't stop the problem but it will be a huge step towards fixing it.

Photo by Dimarko Chandler 

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